Board of Trustees re-elect Beth Mai as Chair, Dave Cripps re-elected Vice-Chair

Posted On Wednesday November 20, 2024

London Trustee Beth Mai and Oxford County Trustee Dave Cripps have both been re-elected as Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the Thames Valley District School Board of Trustees.

Both elections took place during a special meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday evening.

"I am honoured to serve the board for a second year as Chair alongside Vice-Char Cripps, with whom I share the leadership role. Looking ahead, I see our shared vision for the next year as one that builds on the current foundation,” said Mai. “As we move forward, I see us advancing our core mission of supporting students in the best way possible and addressing emerging challenges and opportunities with the same determination and leadership we’ve shown so far. And more than anything, I see us standing together as a board, united in our shared commitment, with integrity and purpose.”

In remarks on Tuesday evening, Cripps said: “These are not regular times for our board. Over the next year, please think about coming together, think about the focus we’ll need as we move through the next year which will be difficult. And most importantly think about leading with empathy think about all the folks we’re going to impact with our decisions over the next period of time.”

Mai is serving her first term as a Trustee for London Wards 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13. She is a resident of London and has been actively involved with the school board for more than 23 years as an employee and volunteer. Mai was first elected to the position of Chair in 2023. Before that, she served as Vice-Chair.

Cripps is serving his first term as a Trustee for Oxford County. He is a resident of Ingersoll where he works as a Project and Change Management Specialist and entrepreneur. Cripps has over 15 years' experience serving on elementary and secondary school councils as well as local Home and School Associations. This will be the second time Cripps has served as Vice-Chair.


© 2023 Trafalgar Public School, 919 Trafalgar St., London, ON N5Z 1G3. Tel. 519-452-8610, Fax 519-452-8619, Superintendent: L. DeVos,  Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill