Code of Conduct

Respect for Self and Others:

Every individual at Trafalgar has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.  Students are expected to be courteous and considerate in dealings with staff and other students.  Failure to comply could result in suspension.

Students will:

  • Make learning a first priority.
  • Behave in a safe and peaceful manner at all times.
  • Comply with school dress code.
  • Respect students, staff, volunteers, visitors and adults.
  • Comply respectfully with staff requests.
  • Respect books, materials, equipment, other resources and the school premises.
  • Arrive at school on time.

Specific Expectations for Conduct within the School

  • Good manners and respect are used by all students and staff.
  • Gum chewing is not allowed in the school.
  • All students will walk quietly on the right side of the corridors. Students will respect the displays on the walls and keep their hands at their sides.
  • Students enter and exit by their assigned doors during entry and dismissal times.
  • Students should bring a reusable water container for in-school use.
  • Students are not permitted in the workroom/photocopy room or staffroom without permission. These are “teachers only” workspaces.

Specific Expectations for Conduct on the Playground

  • Engage in activities that are safe, kind, and fun for all.
  • Line up immediately when the bell goes.
  • Comply immediately with yard supervisors’ instructions.
  • Refrain from climbing fences and invading the privacy of school neighbours.
  • Leave snow, stones, etc. on the ground.
  • Refrain from verbal abuse, teasing, profanity, and language/gestures intended to provoke
  • Discuss unresolved problems with the supervisor immediately
  • Eating food and drinking beverages are not permitted on the schoolyard. Students must finish eating and drinking prior to entering or returning to the playground.
  • Scooters and skateboards must be carried into the school. Scooters must be closed up. Scooters that cannot be closed will be brought down to the office. Scooters, skateboards, and bikes are not allowed to be ridden on school property.

The following behaviours are not acceptable:

  • Physical, verbal, written, electronic, sexual, or psychological abuse
  • Bullying or intimidation
  • Swearing or other inappropriate language
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, culture, language, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or any other personal attribute
  • Roughhousing in the halls, classes, or on school property

Dress Code

Everyone is encouraged to make responsible decisions about wearing apparel. Students are expected to arrive at class dressed appropriately.


© 2023 Trafalgar Public School, 919 Trafalgar St., London, ON N5Z 1G3. Tel. 519-452-8610, Fax 519-452-8619, Superintendent: T. Vacante,  Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill