Contact Us

We believe that open, respectful, two-way communication builds relationships and enhances student success.

Who do I contact if I have a question regarding my child's education?

As a parent or guardian, your child's teacher is always recommended as the first point of contact. If unable to help you directly, he or she will seek to advise you on who to contact for further information.

Who do I contact regarding school and Board programs or policies?

Please contact the principal of the school for information regarding programs and/or policies. The school principal is a wealth of information and is willing to assist parents and guardians with inquiries.

School Phone: 519-452-8610

Principal: Mr. Michael Tucker

Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Ashley Calcutt


© 2023 Trafalgar Public School, 919 Trafalgar St., London, ON N5Z 1G3. Tel. 519-452-8610, Fax 519-452-8619, Superintendent: T. Vacante,  Trustees: L. Pizzolato, S. Polhill